Friday, October 08, 2004

Another busy week ends

So, this afternoon was taken up by figuring out how to get an error page working on the application - not that the page itself was difficult, but trying to get the application to fire it back the error message and stack trace back to the client side was tricky. I got it working through using a cookie in the global config file, using the error messages as string values that the cookie held. Then I set a one minute limit before the cookie would expire. On the error page (set in the web.config file) the cookie was picked up, the strings split out of the cookie, and then set into a nicely formatted page.

I realized today that I'm going to have to give a talk to the interns about holding values in the session - it is really useful, although some are having trouble grasping the concept of it. Need to better explain it, I think.

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