Sunday, April 13, 2008

Losing out on the hipster factor

I was reading one of CNET's blogger's posts, which was about the going to a store to buy CDs. As the author noted, this is more and more something which is fading into the past. She then went on to list a number of sites , such as Muxtape, Last FM and The Hype Machine, all of which were new to me, finally destroying my fading claim that was still in the know about new and emerging music trends and fashions (although, as I go through some of these mix tapes on Mux, I've got to say that I have heard the music of most of the artists, even the more obscure ones - a good thing I still listen to CJSW).

I think part of the reason though is just the fact that I've been using the internet for so long - since Netscape 2 in 1994. When a person first starts using the internet, there is a period where one is constantly exploring the vast number of different topics that exist. Nevertheless, after 14 years of using the internet, I've become complacent, only really exploring when need arises (like how does one replace the battery for the key to a Passat?) Being online a lot and dealing with searching for solutions to obscure programming and sys-admin issues, I tend to stick with web pages that I use a lot for information. This of course means that I end of up seeing only a tiny portion of the internet.

Anyway, got to back to exploring these new music sites.