- Conservative Clean Air Act
- Garth Turner
- Green Party
- Pine Beetles
Then, reports started coming out through the Globe and Mail and CBC about the Green Party making approaches to Mr. Turner, which he seemed open to at the time of my writting this. Of course, the Green Party is salvaiting - a sitting member would instantly gain them recognition with Elections Canada for debates in the next Federal election in Canada.
Coincidently to the above news items was an article pointing out that Pine Beetles were infesting trees in Grand Prairie, far more north than scientists thought the bugs would get. They blamed this on the fact that Alberta has not had a very cold winter in years, and figure that this is a result of global warming.
Odd, isn't it that all these environmental issues are cropping up in the mass media - could it be that people are finally waking up to environmental issues? I just think it interesting to see how many stories converge on a basic theme, one that is generally under-reported by the media in Canada and ignored by politicians.